Tell the truth - have you ever been embarrassed to say 'I am a Christian?' Now, now, I'm not asking 'Have you ever been embarrassed to BE a Christian,' but what I've found in 'Church World,' is that a lot of Christian (including myself, sometimes...) shy away from using the word 'Christian.' Think about it - you know it's true.
We use more spiritual terms, like 'Jesus Follower' or 'Christ Follower,' but we really don't seem to even want to even say the word 'Christian' anymore. How sad is that, huh? I know, personally, sometimes I will try and find a new term for what I am.
I know, one time, someone asked me 'Are you a Christian?' I hesitated. Not because I am ashamed of my love for Jesus or his love for me, but the word. 'Christian.' So guess what I said? 'No.' In that small amount of time I was thinking of another word of term I could use, I could have said 'Why, yes. I am a Christian.' Instead, because of not being able to think of anything, I say 'No.'
I know some people who go around thinking that the last thing they want people to label them is is 'Christian.' I completely understand. 'Christian' implies religion, ritual, tradition, sterile lifestyle, and years of Christian oppression. But when it comes down to it, we are Christian. Say that with me. 'I am a Christian.' Think about how okay it is to say that. 'Christian' is not a bad word.
If someone asks you 'Are you a Christian?' and you feel hesitant to answer them because of the word, think about what's behind your fear. What do people think the word means? Explain it to them. 'Yes, I am a Christan.' 'Why?' At that point, that is the perfect opportunity to present the gospel. Explain how Jesus isn't what the word 'Christian' often implies. If more people were proud to wear the badge 'Christian,' images and thoughts of generous, loving, passionate people would fill their head upon hearing the word, rather than thoughts of oppression, slavery, and hate.
If you're embarrassed to call yourself a Christian, other people might be embarrassed to become one.
Live it out!