Friday, April 29, 2011

Why the Royal Wedding Matters

At 4 o'clock this morning, I mozzied on into my living room, and turned on the television to watch the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton - the royal wedding of a couple from a country I've never even been to. Many people have been in an uproar over the royal wedding for months now; some more excited than others, of course. Ask a Englishman why it's exciting, and he'll probably tell you it's a proud moment for their nation, which it is. Ask the rest of the world, however, and you'll receive an almost universal response: "It's a fairy tale come true!"

At that point, many men and the more cynical women roll their eyes, snuggle back into bed and fall back asleep. I tell you the truth, though. What I saw was incredible. Not just because of the sheer scope of the wedding or the extravagant Westminster Abbey, or the beautiful Kate Middleton (grins), but because I believe what I saw there was one of the clearest, most beautiful representations of Christianity there is and can be.

Before the Service
Everyone who supports the Prince is lining up. They're going to his place - the chapel where he will marry his bride. They're so excited. Every passing day leading up to the wedding of the Prince and his bride makes them more and more excited. Then, when the day comes, they are ready and exuberant.

This is how a Christian life should be. As the church is the Bride of Christ, the Prince of Peace, so was Kate Middleton the Bride of the Prince of England. The people could hardly wait for it to begin, and that is how we should feel as a church - sitting at the edge of our seats - proud and smiling, waving flags and cheering - for the arrival of Christ to the Wedding of the Lamb and the Bride.

The Prince and his Bride
Then, after everything is perfect, the Prince takes his place. Everything is perfect down to the last detail for this day. Not a person, not a leaf, not a note of the organ or the clamor of the bells is out of place. Then, the princess is ready - adorned for her groom, and she is called up to meet him at the alter where they will wed.

In the end, the same will happen to the church. When God's timing makes it so, the end will come, and the wedding of the Lamb and His church shall begin. We will be called up to meet him, scripture tells us, and then the ceremony begins.

The Ceremony
There is the Prince and his Bride. Standing at the altar, waiting for it all to begin. Scripture is read. Songs are sung. And logistics take place. Documents are signed. Vows are taken. They are offered a chance to admit to any wrongdoings or mistrusts.

The Bible tells us that when we go meet our King, we will do the same thing. We will give an account of our actions. We will be in the presence of divine royalty and we will see the life we've lived until that point. Having accepted Jesus's proposal (much like a wedding proposal), we're invited and actually in the wedding - what a wonderful thought!

Then, when it's finished, it's declared. They are together - not EVER to be put asunder.

The Kiss
Oh, the kiss. What they all wait for. What people fill the courts of Buckingham Palace waiting to see. The final seal on the marriage. The Prince and his Bride walk out onto the balcony, all smiles, and the Prince leans in... and kisses his Bride. The people cheer and celebrate. They are together now - they are wedded.

When everything is made new again, and we are there because Christ would have US be with Him, Revelation 21 tells us that there will be no more crying, sorrow, pain or death. Joy. Joy will fill out hearts. And with the King at the throne and his Bride beside Him, we will experience this ultimate form of wedded bliss.

Let the Party Begin!
Then, the party begins.

Tonight there is said to be a feast of... well, royal proportions! A three course meal featuring all the royal family eating together, celebrating this union of the Prince and his Bride. The Bible tells us that, too, this will be one of the first things we experience in Heaven - the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.

Then, it's been said, and Prince Harry (William's brother and best friend) will be throwing a very 'knees-up' party that will feature rock 'n' roll and dancing and lights and will be the biggest and most fun dance party Buckingham has ever seen.

We have that ultimate celebration to look forward to as well! Once we are united with the Bridegroom, the party begins. A celebration that will out-do even the most massively conceived party. And we're not just invited to it - we're in it. We are the Bride.

Many people may feel that the Royal Wedding is some extravagant fairy tale that could never really happen except in this one instance with Kate Middleton, but the reality is that, if you've accepted Jesus Christ's marriage proposal, you're in for something much more glorious and spectacular than the Royal Wedding we saw this morning. The truth is that nothing can or will compare to it - the Bible, being the word of God, can not even do it justice.

So if you encounter some negative people that don't understand just how important the royal wedding is, remember that it's simply a reflection, like all weddings should be, on what's in store for us, when our King returns to whisk us away in our carriages and we can, like the storybooks say, "Live Happily Ever After."

The End!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Final Fantasy and Jesus

I know that I do a lot of the "____ and Jesus" blog posts, where I take some popular movie or book or video game and begin to find some spiritual significance in it or some way for it relate it to the Bible. I've done Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Lord of the Rings, and even Mario Kart. The title of this one is 'Final Fantasy and Jesus.'

Now, I could go through the story and talk about the spiritual allegory and Christian significance (which there is quite a bit), but today, I'm going to be talking directly about the game itself. As in, the actual cartridge the game is on. Let me explain.

I have a game for the portable Nintendo game system, the Nintendo DS, called, like the title of this blog, is 'Final Fantasy III.' It's, you know, one of those fantasy games boys like with magic and swords and adventure, monsters, pirates, duels, and all that. Since it's on the Nintendo DS, and is portable, I can literally play it anywhere I want.

Well, this past Saturday night, I was packing for a four-day vacation to Savannah, Georgia. Savannah is an amazing place that has it all - an amazing historical city, a wonderful beach, lots of neat places, and all that. It's a five-hour drive from here to there, and luckily, I didn't have to drive. I was going with my mom and dad, and dad was driving, so I got to hang out in the back seat and just enjoy the scenery.

So, I wanted to bring my Nintendo DS and Final Fantasy III - one of the best games I own for the system. So, while I was packing, I began looking for it.

And looking for it.

And looking for it.


For hours, literally HOURS, I was looking for it. I ended up gutting both of my rooms, cleaning out both of my closets, and deep cleaning every corner of every place I've been in the past three month trying to find this video game. I spent all afternoon and well into the night looking for that game. At about 1:30 am, after having looking from about 2pm that afternoon (almost 12 hours), I had not found it. I was about to go crazy.

So, I decided to pray about it. Normally, I do not like to pray about petty things like that. Like, 'Lord, please let me get to my movie on time' or 'God, please don't let the internet die - I have things to do!' I never like to pray like that, because I don't find it very respectful to the God of Creation to treat him like a vending machine. But I was pretty desperate. I was on the last stretch of my sanity. All for... a video game. (That I didn't even pay for - it was a gift.)

So, I prayed. I said, 'God, please... I'm at my wits end. I just want to enjoy the car ride down to Savannah tomorrow. Please let me find this game.' So, after that, I began looking again, knowing God would come through for me.

He didn't.

At least, not in the way I expected.

It was about 2am when I gave up the search. I plopped down on my bed thinking of the wasted day of cleaning and searching and hunting for that blasted game. And I even prayed to God, who didn't even help me! I wasn't really angry, just kind of upset.

Then, I think I heard God tell me something. Not audibly, of course, nor did some magic cloud fill my room, nor did I begin speaking gibberish and needed people to interpret my 'prayer language.' Sometimes, we get thoughts that feel so powerful that we know we can't come up with on our own, and I believe these to be actual words from God. He spoke to me in that moment.

"If only you'd look for me like you did that video game."

My response, of course, was. "But I do look for you, Lord. I spend time with you everyday."

"In a ritualistic kind of way - not always because you enjoy it. Image if you lost your Bible. How long would you spend looking for that?"

Ouch. He was right (as He often... er... always is). I had spent so much time and energy looking for, pursuing, something that mattered way too much to me. I spent HALF of a 24-hour day looking for... a video game! It made me wonder... what other things do I spend far too much energy or time on pursuing? I wouldn't say that video games are taking away my time with God (though I know some people who do actually have that problem), but I was thinking...

What things in my life am I pursuing harder that God?

Friendships? Sometimes, when I have a scuff with a friend (happening a lot lately), or just wanted to connect on a fellowship-like level with people, that I put a lot of energy and time into pursuing those relationships.

School? I spent $1000 and 360 hours of my life in the past six months pursuing, chasing, a degree in an undeclared major. I put so much energy and time and effort into making sure that I got that all-powerful 'A' on my grades.

My hobbies/career? I spend a lot of time watching movies, playing games (like I mentioned), making movies, writing and reading... and I spend a lot of time learning and practicing and enjoying things like that. Time. Lots of time.

Are any of those things bad? No! NONE of those things are bad. Friends, school, a career, hobbies - all of those things are good and are great gifts from God... but the question remains.

What are we chasing, pursuing, looking for... more than God? Are we willing to spend half a day looking HARD for a DS game... when we're reluctant to spend 30 minutes reading our Bible? Are we willing to spend three or four of our paychecks on a new LED television... when we're reluctant to tithe a tiny 10% at church? Do we talk on our cell phones or Skype or AIM... more than we talk to God?

Ask God. Ask Him, "God - is there something in my life that is taking the place of you?" If that's not the case, ask Him, like I did, "God, what can I do to pursue you more... more completely? More often? More thoroughly?" It's a dangerous prayer to pray, and pretty uncomfortable when He... actually answers. Then, we don't have any excuses.

So, try it. Ask God. He wants you to be closer to Him, but even more so, He WANTS you to WANT to be closer to Him! His word says...

"The Lord is close to ALL who call on Him; yes - to ALL who call on Him in truth." (Psalm 145:18)
He will come closer to those who actually call on Him - who WANT him to come closer, and those who abide in Truth - God's word.

So, ask Him today. Ask Him how you can become closer to Him.

By the way, I never found that game. I ended up learning a valuable lesson and sleeping all the way down there anyway, hah.

Thanks for Reading!