Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Punk Rock Christianity

If you spent your teenage years in a contemporary church like I did, you had two getaway-type events that happen once in a while. More traditional churches will have 'Bible Camp,' and more contemporary churches will have 'Youth Retreats.' We had the latter, and they were always the epitome of awesome. Loud rock music, fun night staying up late with the guys, fun days and, of course, that last night you get the heart-thumping message from the speaker and the band plays the emotional songs and your life just feels different. You wake up on the last day, and the world seems a bit brighter, and you're so pumped for God, it feels like you'll never be the same.

If you never got to experience a youth retreat or conference or weekend program like a StudentLife conference or Disciple-Now, I truly cannot express how awesome and important they are to teenagers. In fact, it was at my first Disciple-Now weekend I committed my life to Christ - right at four years ago now. In fact, our church is having a Disciple-Now weekend coming up, and if you go to my church and are reading this... and have not signed up, DO. Right now!

Anyway, most Christians have experienced those special times where you just feel so happy and energetic. The other day, I examined myself and realized something really rather surprising, and sad, too.

I had become such a... boring Christian.

Not that I was doing anything 'wrong,' per se, or that I wasn't loving God as much as I could, but... there was little joy in my life. If you read my blog a lot, you know I've been battling with a wave (heck, a hurricane) of depression. It's been really hard. This past week, some friends and I were discussing the Bible, and we came to the conclusion that Happiness does not equal Joy.

And... it seemed that I had become so boring. I had no joy. I was not into having fun, or enjoying... anything anymore.

With that on my mind, a friend of mine and I were chatting on Skype the other night, and we randomly listened to an old Hawk Nelson video that we remembered watching back in the early 2000's. Here it is.

The rest of the night was spent watching about two hours of the Christian punk rock videos that filled our teenage years - that reminded us of that joy we had. So happy singing the songs, totally SHREDDING on air guitar, and just being filled with happiness that could come from no one but God.

Why have we become so boring? We think once we leave the Youth Group at church at age 18, we're supposed to suddenly get all serious and never have fun again? Never allowed to feel that 'Christian Punk Rock' joy you see bands like Hawk Nelson or Steller Kart or Relient K have?

With that one my mind, I prayed to God something like 'Lord, let me believe in fun again. Let me feel your presence in the fun things in life. Show me it's okay to let loose sometimes.'

"Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life." Ecclesiastes 5:18
I found that verse today, and it just hit me... that God loves fun. He created fun. He loves it when we have fun. He wants us to have fun. Part of an abundant life (like the one Jesus promised us in John 10:10) is to enjoy it.

I've made it a point from now on to live more of a what I like to call a 'Punk Rock Christianity' attitude. Enjoy it. Have fun. Everyday, don't just thank God for the day, enjoy the day he's given you! Learn to love life, even on the days that it seems ultimately sucky. Even on the days it feels like your friends have abandoned you. Even if all seems down, you have Joy that not even the armies of Hell can take from you. That should get you fired up!

So get up! Play some air guitar! Jump around! Shout! Sing! Dance! Grab a group of friends and grow throw a frisbee. Put on some flip-flops and lay in some grass, soak up the sunshine! Blast some music! Do a cartwheel! A hand stand! Do a cannonball into a swimming pool! God loves to see you just enjoying the day and the life He's given you. It's like a dad watching his kids having fun - He loves it.

So think about 'Punk Rock Christianity' when you go about your day. Enjoy your day. Have FUN! Have a great day - I really mean that, have a great day!!

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